Wednesday, December 9, 2015

1Malaysia Concept (1)

The 1Malaysia is a concept to edify unity among the multi-racial Malaysian citizens, based on a number of significant values which should be practised by all Malaysians. This is not an individual policy detached from previous Barisan Nasional policies, but is complementary to the existing approaches to further strengthen solidarity in guaranteeing stability towards achieving a higher level of progress and development for Malaysia and its citizens.

In other words, the 1Malaysia concept is a formula to assist in ensuring the Nation's aspiration of Vision 2020 is achieved if it is inculcated in the hearts of the people and practised by all.

Such concept is based on the premise that in achieving the status of a developed country as envisioned in Vision 2020, the prime requisite is that a strong and stable nation is only achievable if the people are united.

Unity as described by the 1Malaysia concept is very much different from the assimilation concept practised in other countries whereby the ethnic identity is eliminated and replaced with one national identity. Contrariwise, 1Malaysia appreciates and respects the principles of the Federal Constitution as well as the ethnic identity of every race in Malaysia, and considers it as an asset or advantage to be proud of.
1 Malaysia emphasises the attitude and fortitude of acceptance among the multi-racial citizens, whereby a race will accept the uniqueness of another race as is, so as to live in respect of each other as a citizen of a nation.

A foundation to all this is the principle of justice for all, which entails that the fate of a race will be taken care of and no party will be marginalised. The different levels of racial development must be considered where justice is concerned. Thus, government policies and Constitutional allocations which provide protection to those who requires it will still be implemented.

1Malaysia is a continuance of the nation's development agenda. To achieve development for the nation, the people must be developed first, and this is done by first nurturing the acceptance attitude and fortitude among races, which brings about a an unwavering unity. By achieving unity, matters pertaining, to national development will be carried out smoothly.

*For further info, please visit

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